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Opening the Heart for Couples
Online Group - Nov. 4, 11 & 18

For couples who want to deepen their heart connection      

 Do you want to feel more seen and heard by your partner?

Do you wish your communication was easier & more satisfying?

Could your relationship feel more emotionally safe?

Do you ever wonder if some of your reactions may have nothing
to do with your partner?

Do you ever find you've lost yourself in your relationship or in your partner’s needs?

Positive change has been a key hallmark of the Opening the Heart (OTH) work for nearly 50 years. If you said “Yes” to any of the questions above, come join us. People who experience the Opening the Heart approach can make profound changes as they find new ways of looking at themselves and their relationships. 

In this ”hands-on”, interactive group, you will be working with your partner, as well as other participants, both in the large group and in smaller breakout groups. Let the power and healing of the OTH method make a difference for you.


Dates/Time: Three Mondays - Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov 18 @6-8/8:30 pm EST

Cost: On a sliding scale - $360.-$540. per couple, determined by you

Please Note: Our group size will be capped. Please register by Oct 20. This will help ensure you a spot and give you/us time to prepare. Please plan to attend all sessions. Lastly, if you have questions about whether this group is right for you, email us for more information.

”When there is light in your heart, you will find your way home”  Rumi

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