The Opening the Heart Workshop

Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Opening the Heart work right for me? header 3
There is a place here for you, whether you were referred by a therapist/healing professional, friend/family or saw a brochure and felt drawn to our work.
We welcome diversity: racial, religious, political, physical ability, age over 18, sexual orientation and gender identity.
What are the differences between the OTH weekend workshop and the 3-hour online Zoom event, "How Are You, Really?"
The OTH Workshop is an in-person, intensive, weekend workshop which aims to help participants find, feel and express emotions in a one-to-one and small group format. "How Are You, Really?" is a 3-hour, online introductory sample of the weekend which incorporates small breakout group sharing and other tools used in the weekend workshop.
Can my partner, significant other, family member or friend participate with me?
You can attend our in-person, OTH weekend workshop with anyone 18 years or older. You can also join our online Zoom seminar with an adult 18 years or older.
For Zoom, you will each need to register separately and use your own device, preferably a laptop.
How else can I participate in the Opening the Heart work?
While there are no post-workshop group experiences for graduates at this time,
we offer one-to-one Coaching & Counseling sessions with some of our workshop facilitators.
Click here to learn about Individual Sessions
When is your next virtual, on-line seminar?
On September 26, 2021, we will offer our 3-hour, online Zoom seminar:
"How Are You, Really?"
Click here to learn about "How Are You, Really?"
Where can I sign up for your in-person OTH weekend workshop?
We look forward to welcoming you to our in-person workshops as soon they are
scheduled. They have been delayed due to the Covid pandemic.
Do you have a mailing list so I can be informed of your programs?
Yes, we encourage you to share your name and email on our "Contact Us" page.
How can I donate to Opening the Heart?
You can donate to our Scholarship Fund which supports people to attend our programs. Any financial contribution is much appreciated.

"...words cannot describe
how transformative
work can be..."
“I went to the Opening The Heart Workshop to find some peace in my mind and discovered how to use my heart to heal the past and create a more loving future. This has been a gift to me and my family, as I am more present, focused, aware and yes, peaceful. This workshop is something that needs to be experienced as words cannot describe how transformative the work can be.”
Toni G. age 53,
Social Worker
"...we learned...to hold
someone else's story with...
“I especially appreciate that each of the staff supported us, not just in our own self-work, but trained us to be “witnesses” who supported others in their self-work. We learned how to listen and hold someone else’s story with deep love and compassion.”
Jamie F. age 31, Spiritual Director-in-Training
"...the workshop is based on genuine caring and
“I’ve never before been able to get to such deep revelation in such a short time. I credit this to the deliberate design of the workshop that is based on genuine caring and respect, open modeling and the creation of a safe space. I have become more patient and loving in my relationships with my family. I feel like myself again.”
Jaana M. age 64,
Educator and Researcher